Jenny Sketching in Ladakh
Jenny Keal paints predominately in Pastel and her main interest is in vernacular architecture but she also draws her inspiration from the rich history of the landscape and the atmospheric effects of the weather

This new edition has more pages and larger step by step images.
A review of the new edition describes it thus. ‘With pastel books being thin on the ground, any new edition is welcome and this is a rather excellent look at what the medium can do as well as a well-thought out manual on how to do it.’ by Artbookreview.net*
Publisher’s description: “The new edition of Jenny Keal’s popular book Painting with Pastels is an inspiring and creative introduction to painting in this medium. Focusing on soft (chalk) pastels, this clear, simple-to-understand book encourages you to explore the materials and methods needed to get started with pastels. Jenny begins by introducing you to a variety of techniques, and looks at sketchbooks and photographs as a way of gathering source material. There are then five stunning step-by-step projects for the reader to choose from, covering a range of subjects from flowers to landscapes and coastal scenes, and designed to build on the basic skills covered in the earlier sections of the book. Here you will learn about creating atmosphere, colour, tone, composition and perspective, and before you realise it you will have all the skills you need to create your own beautiful pastel paintings.”
Personally signed copies are available now
Order the book only £9.99 plus p&p
To see an extract from the book, click here
Jenny’s latest DVD is now available. In this DVD Jenny demonstrates how to paint a bridge in the landscape with soft pastel. She begins by describing the tools and materials she uses and how to store them.
She then demonstrates how to use soft pastel to achieve recession and atmosphere in the landscape by the use of colour and tone.
The painting is filmed in close up as it progresses with full commentary throughout, showing how to achieve fine detail or looser passages. 1 hour 23 minutes.
£15.00 Plus P & P click here to buy a copy
There is also a DVD to accompany the new Start to Paint edition of Jenny’s book, showing a step by step demonstration of the cover painting of the original book.
To see a you tube excerpt from the film
click here
Order the DVD only £15 plus p&p
Jenny’s first book on was ‘Learn to Paint Landscapes in Pastel’ for Harpercollins. It is unfortunately now out of print.
Jenny has produced four instructional DVD’s
Click here for details
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