Arctic Ice
Watercolours by David Bellamy
Below are some of the watercolours David has
painted from various trips to the Arctic
To view in gallery mode, click on one of the images. To return to page click black space.
- David sketching Walrus in Svalbard
- Skanken Sketch
- Walrus Colony at Poolpynten watercolour by David Bellamy
- SV Noorderlicht in Drift Ice watercolour by David Bellamy
- Musk Ox watercolour by David Bellamy
- Opening Lead in the Ice Pack. watercolour by David Bellamy
- Isbjorn with Ice Cave watercolour by David Bellamy
- Dog Sled, Greenland watercolour by David Bellamy
- Sledge with Ice Formations watercolour by David Bellamy
- Ice Castle watercolour by David Bellamy
- Glacial Stream on the Greenland Ice Cap watercolour by David Bellamy
- Unruly Neighbour watercolour by David Bellamy
- Ice Arch Watercolour by David Bellamy